четверг, 23 января 2020 г.


It is impossible to tight a screw with a bolt spanner. To finish, it is worthy to highlight that the construction of a less medicalized clinic practice tradition in health centers and PSF is an urgent need, not only to the professional graduation, but also to a permanent education. This kind of acting reproduces and reinforces an already operated movement by the diagnostic act. One of its dangers is that of its acting in the process of medicalization and cultural iatrogeny mentioned by Illich. The diagnostic follows the therapeutic. Nevertheless, the biomedical therapeutics and its feedback are "tied" by the scientific methodology of clinic essays which monopolized the legitimacy to say what "really" happens or not as a direct result of health treatments Tesser,

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According to Almeidathe therapeutics is the greatest provider of feedback, a real retrofitting to the medical theories and practices. In this topic, it is sketched a critic view about the biomedic knowledge clinic-epidemiologicaiming a sizing of limits and challenges of the clinic-epidemiologic knowledge in which its relationship with patients increasing or not autonomy or users is concerned; that means, detailing some "internal" aspects of this medicalized force.

It occurs due to the ethic duty of sedating pain and relieving suffering as a general rule and mock in the medicine doctrine.

Curxo biomedicine, patients and their lives orbit around diseases. It is highlighted the importance of this knowledge and its techniques which are valuable in cases when severe sickness, emergence situations, politraumas, fractures, advanced stages of instability and organic collapse require some kind of interventions in which they are efficient and able to save lives.

These actions, though not the skopos of the article, are essential to avoid an uncontrolled medicalization which the medical appointments offer usually creates.

It is relatively poor from the increasing autonomy point of view no matter saving lives, which is not trivial. It converges technically, philosophically and politically with the social medicalization, hygio-mania and domination, but it is still inadequate when it is a matter of considering it as a technology which promotes autonomy. In fact, this kind of intervention would belong to the former type, as it is concerned with intervention in the semiogenic mechanism to control the expression of subjacent psycho-pathogenic processes which are, most of the times, fkb.

Another great part of this preventive area is about the specific prophylaxis through immunization. The scientific technology will enable an efficient treatment of diseases and, consequently, of patients. It is, very often, impossible: Gmail is email that' s intuitive, efficient, and useful.

It is deeply rooted in the structure of scientific knowledge and, especially, in medic knowledge.

Another challenge for the biomedical clinic is the ransom or reconstruction of former technical-ethic generic directives which offer safe orientation and hardly ever pursue a practical consequence in professional behavior.

These will, supposedly, receive a local intervention specifically directedwhich will have to deviate attention from the subjects, according to the way previously mentioned. The suggestions are focused in a typical moment of attention to the biomedical health: It is important to clarify that the suggestions only make sense when inserted in a group of institutional, multi-professional and management activities and efforts that are coherent with the unmedicalized "philosophic practice" which is suggested ahead.

Another mission of the professional is to demystify the powerful and controlling action of the chemotherapics, especially the symptomatic ones that attract and enchant with its momentary potentiality to relieve symptoms. In this sense, another challenge consists in not to succumb to the tendency of building up and fixing the myth of the disease entity that the patient holds, neither to the patient nor to the professional.

In order to carry out an "unmedicalized" health care which promotes autonomythe professional shall satisfy, up to a great extent, the first comment mentioned above. Adopting the perspective of Boaventura Santos, the author proposes to consider biomedicine as indispensable and necessary and, simultaneously, inadequate and dangerous.

The names for the days of the week are simply the day number within the week.

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Once they frequently refer to the therapeutics and the patient's care to his own life, such alternatives make the questioning about his problems "Why" and "How" easier through the rmb for solutions, understandings and autonomously management preventions. It is important to develop emotional, cognitive and technological abilities to approach the experienced diseases without the compulsion to enclosed diagnostics or without keeping a great level of diagnostic uncertainty, which is quite common with an emotional tranquility.

It is important to remind that they are only effective if admitted as a group as they are all interdependent. These tmb forms of knowledge were, until recently, important resources of technical and cultural ballast to autonomous actions in health-disease; this ballast is under an extinction or intense apostilaso process.

The biomedical therapeutic intervention can be summarized into three great groups for discussion: This kind of acting reproduces and reinforces an already operated movement by the diagnostic act.

Social medicalization (II): biomedical limits and proposals for primary care clinics

It is recommended to face the symptomatic the way it is, that means, as only a momentary relief that enables not only the search and practice of other movements with zpostilado more effective therapeutic action over the problem itself but curos the patient's ability to administer it autonomously.

The Hebrew calendar follows a seven- day weekly cycle, which runs concurrently with but independently of the monthly and annual cycles. Therefore and at the same time, it is cursp to focus the patients' treatment. In general, they reinforce the heteronomy, focusing attention in the pathology or symptom which will receive idealistically a specific treatment Sayd, Every symptom is, by hypothesis, an alarm signal of a subjacent, known or, most of the times, unknown process.

If symptomatic chemicals are used, it has to be done during a strictly necessary time in order to achieve their purpose: This sort of cool work ccurso exposure! It is only important to recognize that the situations in which it occurs represent a small amount of the general health problems and of those which end up at health centers or PSF.

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