среда, 29 января 2020 г.


Government of Slovakia, received on Government of Hungary, received on Opportunities Vacancies Internship Programme. The UNECE secretariat shall make the national versions of the instructions in writing that it has received available to all Contracting Parties. The master shall ensure that each member of the crew concerned understands and is capable of carrying out the instructions properly. schriftliche weisung adr 2013

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Government of Spain, received on Government of Norway, received on Government of Belgium, update received on Government of Spain, revised version received on To view ADR in Spanish: Skip to main content.

Government of Hungary, received on Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 7. Government of the Czech Republic, received on To view ADR in Polish: The instructions in writing shall correspond to the following four-page model as regards its form and contents.

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Government of Portugal, received on Government of the Netherlands, received on Government of Greece, update received on Government of Greece, received on As regards the German versions of the instructions in writing, the Governments of Austria, Germany and Switzerland notified that variations sdr spelling or terminology confirmed by usage in certain German-speaking countries or region are acceptable and do not affect the validity of the instructions in writing provided they may axr understood by the members of the vehicle crew.

Government of Hungary, received on To view ADR in Norwegian: These instructions shall be provided by the carrier to the vehicle crew in language s that each member can read and understand before the commencement of the wdr. Government of the Republic of Lithuania, received on Government of Belgium, received on 5.

Resources Statistical Database Schrift,iche. Government of the Czech Republic, received on Before the start of the journey, the members of the vehicle crew shall inform themselves of the dangerous goods loaded and consult the instructions in writing for details on actions to be taken in the event of an accident or emergency.

Linguistic versions (ADR, Instructions in writing) - Transport - UNECE

The carrier shall ensure that each member of the vehicle crew concerned understands and is capable of carrying out the instructions properly. Government of Sweden, received on Government of Romania, received on These instructions shall be provided by the carrier to the master in the language s that the master and the expert can read and understand before loading.

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Contracting Parties shall provide the UNECE secretariat with the weisuny translation of the instructions in writing in their national language sin accordance with this section. Government of Turkey, received on Government of Latvia, received on Revised instructions in writing applicable since 1 January and until 30 June Opportunities Vacancies Internship Programme.

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0213 Government of Poland, revised version received on CCNR, received on The master shall ensure that each member of the crew concerned understands and is capable of carrying out the instructions properly.

Government of Estonia, revised version received on

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