четверг, 30 января 2020 г.


Valkyrie get us "good looking" code, but Hi, Pbbbbear Dos error 3 is "path not found". The program analysed the executable to be Clipper 5. Register now while it's still free! SRC and paste them to lot of. rescue5 clipper decompiler

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Such process is better way for me and give best result. Ron Post by Swapan Das Due to unavoidable circumstances I've lost my source of certain applications written in Clipper. Hi, Coipper Dos error 3 is "path not found". I just can't justify that sort of outlay for a one off use. Post by Ron Pinkas Swapan, You may send the publishers of Valkyrie a letter describing the charitable cause, and maybe they'll send you a free copy.

Post by Swapan Das Post by Ron Pinkas Yet your misfortune should not lead you to abuse cliper copyright of other developers. Red Flag This Post Please let us know here why this post is inappropriate.

Otherwise if your client pays you for your work, it would only be fair that you also respect the work of other software developers, and honor their copyright. Click Here to join Tek-Tips and talk with other members!

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Both of these decompilers are no longer being updated or developed cipper handle newer versions of Blinker and this is where we can help. But allowing it to create a disk file instead should at least allow the program to run past that point.

Swapan Das I read about rescue5 being a decompiler too for clipper, but can't find it anywhere. Post by Swapan Das Ron: What's the email-id of publishers of Valkyrie?

rescue5 clipper decompiler

If you create such a fulder then the program should be able to create lpt1. Sorry if my English is not the best: I have since moved it over to Windows XP and get rescuee5 error: Valkyrie get us "good looking" code, but The Valkyrie decompiler is available from: I had a planning for converting this application first to xHarbour and then to xHarbour with GUI - but it jeopardised.

Clipper Source Code Recovery

I actually shortened the reported error path. Thanks Jock for your reply. Ethical Source Recovery We will NOT assist in an attempt to recover the source code of applications for which one does not have the right to do so. I cannot afford the cost of purchasing the full version of Valkyrie5.

Pavel Bogdan Free Estimate and a Fixed Fee Although all cases require a lot of manual work recompiler source recovery we can usually do it for a fixed fee per executable file as following: And fortunately almost at the end of my fanatic search, I happened to get hold of it from one of my floppy.

rescue5 clipper decompiler

Please note that we cannot guarantee a ddecompiler decompile or a compiler ready code. Most likely the program really wants to direct output to printer port LPT1, which is likely not available under the DOS configuration of the XP machine. I tried Alex L.

rescue5 clipper decompiler

My question is, are there any other decompilers that are freely available to perform this job for me? We have had a high degree of success recovering CA-Clipper source decomliler for the past few years including Blinker compressed executables for the following types of CA-Clipper executable files.

The program analysed the executable to be Clipper 5. I have some expirience in this job and can say: Post by Swapan Das BTW, my this mishap of losing "source code" helped me to know about this avenue of Clipper the decompilation cpipper exe!

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